ParCompMark::Application Class Reference

#include <PCMApplication.h>

Inheritance diagram for ParCompMark::Application:

Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for ParCompMark::Application:

Collaboration graph
List of all members.

Detailed Description

This singleton class handles the application initializing, command line parsing, starting tasks etc.

Definition at line 87 of file PCMApplication.h.

Getters & setters

HostInfogetHostInfo () const
 Getter of mHostInfo.
const bool & getInitialized () const
 Getter of mInitialized.
const Application::PostCommandgetPostCommand () const
 Getter of mPostCommand.
const bool & getQuiting () const
 Getter of mQuiting.
const bool & getOutputIsDone () const
 Getter of mOutputIsDone.
OutputNode::PointergetOutputDocument ()
 Getter of mOutputDocument.
OutputNode::PointergetCurrentExecutionOutputDocument ()
 Getter of mCurrentExecutionOutputDocument.
u32getExecutionIndex ()
 Getter of mExecutionIndex.
OutputNode::PointergetCollectClusterDescription ()
 Getter of mCollectClusterDescription.
ConfigOptions::PointergetConfigOptions ()
 Getter of mConfigOptions.
const std::string & getLowLevelScript () const
 Getter of mLowLevelScript.
const std::string & getDynamicScript () const
 Getter of mDynamicScript.
const std::string & getScenarioScript () const
 Getter of mScenarioScript.
const std::list< std::string > & getSquirrelCommandList () const
 Getter of mSquirrelCommandList.
bool & getDynamicScriptCompiled ()
 Getter of mDynamicScriptCompiled.
void setDynamicScriptCompiled (const bool dynamicscriptcompiled)
 Setter of mDynamicScriptCompiled.
NetServergetServer () const
 Getter of mServer.
NetClientgetClient () const
 Getter of mClient.
bool & getCompRun ()
 Getter of mCompRun.
static const std::string & getLibrarySearchPath ()
 Getter of mLibrarySearchPath.
static void setLibrarySearchPath (const std::string &librarysearchpath)
 Setter of mLibrarySearchPath.
static const std::string & getUsageString ()
 Getter of mUsageString.
static const bool & getCommanderMode ()
 Getter of mCommanderMode.
static const bool & getGUIMode ()
 Getter of mGUIMode.
static const bool & getManualClusterDescription ()
 Getter of mManualClusterDescription.
static const std::string & getClusterDescription ()
 Getter of mClusterDescription.
static const bool & getLowLevelMode ()
 Getter of mLowLevelMode.
static const bool & getInteractiveParameters ()
 Getter of mInteractiveParameters.
static const std::string & getParameters ()
 Getter of mParameters.
static const std::string & getInput ()
 Getter of mInput.
static const std::string & getOutput ()
 Getter of mOutput.
static int & getExpectedHostCount ()
 Getter of mExpectedHostCount.
static const Application::UserInterfacegetUserInterface ()
 Getter of mUserInterface.


virtual void setupHandlers () const
 Setup special event handlers.
virtual void initialize ()
 Initialize the PCM application.
virtual void finalize ()
 Finalize the PCM application.
virtual void finalizeCommander ()
 Addintional finalization code for commander mode.
virtual void finalizeSoldier ()
 Addintional finalization code for soldier mode.
virtual void setFromConfigOptions ()
 Call application-wide setters on config options.
virtual void createVirtualMachines ()
 Create and initialize virtual machines for dynamic script execution and for user interaction handling.
virtual bool startOperation ()
 The application starts its operation.
virtual void writeOutput ()
 Write collected output.
virtual void waitForOutput ()
 Wait until the output is fully written.
virtual void quit ()
 Quit from application.
virtual void compileDynamic ()
 Compile dynamic script.
virtual void start ()
 Start compositing.
virtual void stop ()
 Stop compositing.
virtual void autoDetection ()
 Auto detection of the cluster.
virtual void cleanup ()
 Do cleanup.
virtual char * getHostListForSquirrel ()
 Return the list of hosts in cluster as a Squirrel string array.
virtual char * getLowLevelScriptForSquirrel ()
 Return the low-level script as a string.
virtual char * getDynamicScriptForSquirrel ()
 Return the dynamic script as a string.
virtual bool hasScenarioScript ()
 Return true if a scenario script is loaded.
virtual char * getDynamicScriptParametersForSquirrel ()
 Return the list of dynamic script parameters as a Squirrel string array.
virtual char * getProgramInfo ()
 Return one line program info as a string.
virtual void calculateMessageSendTime ()
 Calcualtes the message sendign time.
virtual void _pseudoStop ()
 Handle pseudoSTOP post command.
virtual bool commanderOperation ()
 Operation of a commander mode application.
virtual bool soldierOperation ()
 Operation of a soldier mode (not commander mode) application.
virtual bool textUserInterface ()
 Start textual user interface.
virtual bool noUserInterface ()
 Start "no" user interface.
virtual bool executeUserCommand (const std::string &command)
 Executes a single line user command.
virtual bool processSquirrelCommandList ()
 Executes the commands in the squirrel command list.
virtual void doPostCommand ()
 Executes current post command task.
virtual void loadLowLevelScript (const char *filename)
 Load low-level script from the specified filename.
virtual void loadDynamicScript (const char *filename)
 Load dynamic script from the specified filename.
virtual void loadScenarioScript (const char *filename)
 Load scenario script from the specified filename.
virtual void pushSquirrelCommand (const char *command)
 Push a command into the Squirrel command list.
virtual void createLowLevelScript (const std::string &clusterDescription)
 Create low-level script from dynamic script and cluster description.
virtual void processScenarioScript ()
 Process scenario script file.
virtual void setEnvironmentVariablesToSquirrel ()
 Set environment variables to the Squirrel.
virtual void initializeDynamicScriptParameters (const bool &reset)
 Compile dynamic script and initialize dynamic script parameters in reset or complement mode.
virtual void retrieveDynamicScriptParameters ()
 Retrieve dynamic script parameters from the loaded dynamic script.
virtual void _loadScenario ()
 Handle LOADSCENARIO post command.
virtual void _loadDynamic ()
 Handle LOADDYNAMIC post command.
virtual void _compileDynamic ()
 Handle COMPILEDYNAMIC post command.
virtual void _start ()
 Handle START post command.
virtual void _stop ()
 Handle STOP post command.
virtual void _quit ()
 Handle QUIT post command.

Class constants

static const std::string PCAPINUT = "scripts/framework/pcapi.nut"
 PC API Squirrel script file (relative to the data directory).
static const std::string PARCOMPMARKNUT = "scripts/framework/parcompmark.nut"
 ParCompMark API Squirrel script file (relative to the data directory).
static const std::string UTILSNUT = "scripts/framework/utils.nut"
 Common utilities Squirrel script file (relative to the data directory).
static const std::string ABBREVIATIONSNUT = "scripts/framework/abbreviations.nut"
 User command abbreviations resolver Squirrel script file (relative to the data directory).
static const std::string DYNAMICINITNUT = "scripts/framework/dynamic-init.nut"
 Dynamic script initialization Squirrel script file (relative to the data directory).
static const std::string UIINITNUT = "scripts/framework/ui-init.nut"
 User interface initialization Squirrel script file (relative to the data directory).
static const std::string COMMANDDIRECTORY = "scripts/commands/"
 Directory that contatins user commands in separated nut files (relative to the data directory).
static const std::string HELPNUT = "scripts/commands/help.nut"
 Path of help.nut file in user commands directory (relative to the data directory).
static const std::string PCIMPLEMENTATIONS []
 List of supported PC implementation libraries.
static const Application::CommandLineOption mCommandLineOptions []
 Command line options for ParCompMark.
static const u32 mCommandLineOptionCount = sizeof(mCommandLineOptions) / sizeof(mCommandLineOptions[0])
 Number of command line options.
static const std::string mUsageString = "ParCompMark [ options ]"
 Application usage string.

Public Member Functions

Constructors & destructor
 Application ()
 Default constructor.
virtual ~Application ()
 The destructor.

Static Public Member Functions

Scripting binding
static void squirrelGlue ()
 Static glue code method for Squirrel-C++ binding.
Class methods
static int complement (int first, int second)
 Complement command line commands.
static void parseCommandLine (const u32 &argc, const char **&argv)
 Parse ANSI C command line.
static void showHelp (const std::string &strarg)
 Write help to std out.
static void showVersion (const std::string &strarg)
 Write version to std out.
static void setCommanderOn (const std::string &strarg)
 Set commander mode.
static void setGUIOn (const std::string &strarg)
 Set GUI mode.
static void setLowLevelOn (const std::string &strarg)
 Set low-level scripting mode.
static void setLowLevelScriptFile (const std::string &strarg)
 Set low-level script file.
static void setDynamicScriptFile (const std::string &strarg)
 Set dynamic script file.
static void setScenarioScriptFile (const std::string &strarg)
 Set scenario script file.
static void setCluster (const std::string &strarg)
 Set cluster description file.
static void setParameters (const std::string &strarg)
 Set parameters description file.
static void setInput (const std::string &strarg)
 Set input file.
static void setOutput (const std::string &strarg)
 Set output file.
static void setExpectedHostCount (const std::string &hostCount)
 Set expected number of rendering hosts.
static void setUserInterface (const std::string &strUI)
 Set user the type of interface.
static bool hasEnvironmentVariable (const std::string &name)
 Returns true if specified environment variable exists.
static std::string getEnvironmentVariable (const std::string &name)
 Get environment variable.
static void terminateHandler ()
 Abnormal termination handler.
static void terminateHandlerNOP ()
 No operation termination handler.
static void unexpectedHandler ()
 Unexpected exception handler.
static void segfaultHandler (int value)
 Segmentation fault handler.
static void interruptHandler (int value)
 Interrupt signal handler.
static ApplicationgetInstance ()
 Gets the instance of the singleton class.

Protected Types

 Nothing to do.
 Load scenario script.
 Load dynamic script.
 Compile dynamic script.
 Start compositing.
 Compile dynamic script and start compositing.
 Stop compositing.
 Quit from application.
 Stop compositing and quit from application.
 String type.
 Integer type.
 REAL = 2
 Floating point type.
 BOOL = 3
 Boolean type.
 Do not provide user interface.
 Textual user interface using GNU readline() or gets().
enum  PostCommand {
 Definitions of for post command tasks. More...
enum  DynamicScriptParameterType { STRING = 0, INTEGER = 1, REAL = 2, BOOL = 3 }
 Definitions of for post command tasks. More...
enum  UserInterface { NONE, CONSOLE }
 Definitions of for user interface types. More...

Protected Attributes

 Information about the host.
bool mInitialized
 The application is initialized.
PostCommand mPostCommand
 Current post command task.
bool mQuiting
 Flag indicating that the application is quitting now (to avoid multiple quit requests in quit() method).
bool mOutputIsDone
 Flag indicating that the output document has been written now and it is safe to quit.
OutputNode::Pointer mOutputDocument
 Root of the output document.
OutputNode::Pointer mCurrentExecutionOutputDocument
 The output document has separate 'execution' children for each benchmark execution.
u32 mExecutionIndex
 Index of the actual execution.
OutputNode::Pointer mCollectClusterDescription
 Root of the output document.
ConfigOptions::Pointer mConfigOptions
 Program configuration options.
std::string mLowLevelScript
 Squirrel low-level script.
std::string mDynamicScript
 Squirrel cluster dynamic script.
std::string mScenarioScript
 Squirrel scenario script.
std::list< std::string > mSquirrelCommandList
 List of Squirrel commands to execute.
bool mDynamicScriptCompiled
 Indicates that the dynamic script is compiled.
 Server network.
 Client network.
bool mCompRun
 Output file name.
SqVM::Pointer mDynamicScriptSqVM
 Squirrel virtual machine for dynamic script execution.
SqVM::Pointer mUserInterfaceSqVM
 Squirrel virtual machine to handle user interaction.
std::list< DynamicScriptParameter * > mDynamicScriptParameters
 List of dynamic script parameters.

Static Protected Attributes

Class variables
static std::string mLibrarySearchPath = "/usr/lib"
 PC dynamic library search path (default /usr/lib).
static bool mCommanderMode = false
 Indicates commander mode (default false).
static bool mGUIMode = false
 Indicates GUI mode (default false).
static bool mManualClusterDescription = false
 Indicates manual cluster description (default false).
static std::string mClusterDescription
 Cluster description file name.
static bool mLowLevelMode = false
 Indicates low-level scripting mode (default false).
static bool mInteractiveParameters = true
 Indicates interactive parameter settings (default true).
static std::string mParameters
 Parameters description file name.
static std::string mInput = "-"
 Input script file name.
static std::string mOutput = "-"
 Output file name.
static int mExpectedHostCount = 0
 Expected number of rendering hosts.
static UserInterface mUserInterface = CONSOLE
 Type of user interface.


struct  CommandLineOption
 Structure for command line options. More...
struct  DynamicScriptParameter
 Structure for dynamic script parameters. More...

Member Enumeration Documentation

Definitions of for post command tasks.

Post command task is a job to execute after stopping the user interface Squirrel VM.

STRING  String type.
INTEGER  Integer type.
REAL  Floating point type.
BOOL  Boolean type.

Definition at line 182 of file PCMApplication.h.

Definitions of for post command tasks.

Post command task is a job to execute after stopping the user interface Squirrel VM.

NOTHING  Nothing to do.
LOADSCENARIO  Load scenario script.
LOADDYNAMIC  Load dynamic script.
COMPILE  Compile dynamic script.
START  Start compositing.
COMPILE_START  Compile dynamic script and start compositing.
STOP  Stop compositing.
QUIT  Quit from application.
STOP_QUIT  Stop compositing and quit from application.

Definition at line 150 of file PCMApplication.h.

Definitions of for user interface types.

NONE  Do not provide user interface.

This is used for batch jobs

CONSOLE  Textual user interface using GNU readline() or gets().

Definition at line 199 of file PCMApplication.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

ParCompMark::Application::Application (  ) 

Default constructor.

Definition at line 116 of file PCMApplication.cpp.

References ParCompMark::Singleton< T >::getInstance(), initialize(), mClient, mCompRun, mInitialized, mOutputIsDone, mPostCommand, mQuiting, mServer, NOTHING, and ParCompMark::Logger::NOTICE.

Here is the call graph for this function:

ParCompMark::Application::~Application (  )  [virtual]

The destructor.

This class has virtual destructor.

Definition at line 169 of file PCMApplication.cpp.

References finalize(), and mInitialized.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Member Function Documentation

void ParCompMark::Application::_compileDynamic (  )  [protected, virtual]

Handle COMPILEDYNAMIC post command.

Definition at line 1529 of file PCMApplication.cpp.

References createLowLevelScript(), ParCompMark::Singleton< T >::getInstance(), and mDynamicScript.

Referenced by doPostCommand().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void ParCompMark::Application::_loadDynamic (  )  [protected, virtual]

Handle LOADDYNAMIC post command.

Definition at line 1518 of file PCMApplication.cpp.

References initializeDynamicScriptParameters(), and setEnvironmentVariablesToSquirrel().

Referenced by doPostCommand().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void ParCompMark::Application::_loadScenario (  )  [protected, virtual]

Handle LOADSCENARIO post command.

Definition at line 1511 of file PCMApplication.cpp.

References processScenarioScript().

Referenced by doPostCommand().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void ParCompMark::Application::_pseudoStop (  )  [virtual]

Handle pseudoSTOP post command.

Definition at line 970 of file PCMApplication.cpp.

References Assert, mCompRun, mServer, and ParCompMark::NetServer::sendBroadcastMessage().

Referenced by ParCompMark::Process::threadFinalize().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void ParCompMark::Application::_quit (  )  [protected, virtual]

Handle QUIT post command.

Definition at line 1621 of file PCMApplication.cpp.

References _stop(), mCompRun, mQuiting, mServer, ParCompMark::NetServer::sendBroadcastMessage(), and writeOutput().

Referenced by doPostCommand(), interruptHandler(), showHelp(), and showVersion().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void ParCompMark::Application::_stop (  )  [protected, virtual]

void ParCompMark::Application::autoDetection (  )  [virtual]

Auto detection of the cluster.

Definition at line 867 of file PCMApplication.cpp.

References Assert, ParCompMark::NetServer::buildCluster(), mCompRun, mDynamicScriptCompiled, and mServer.

Referenced by squirrelGlue().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void ParCompMark::Application::calculateMessageSendTime (  )  [virtual]

Calcualtes the message sendign time.

Definition at line 963 of file PCMApplication.cpp.

References mServer, and ParCompMark::NetServer::sendBroadcastMessage().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void ParCompMark::Application::cleanup (  )  [virtual]

Do cleanup.

Empty output document etc.

Definition at line 889 of file PCMApplication.cpp.

References mCurrentExecutionOutputDocument, and mOutputDocument.

Referenced by squirrelGlue().

void ParCompMark::Application::compileDynamic (  )  [virtual]

Compile dynamic script.

Definition at line 846 of file PCMApplication.cpp.

References COMPILE, COMPILE_START, mPostCommand, and START.

Referenced by squirrelGlue().

int ParCompMark::Application::complement ( int  first,
int  second 
) [static]

Complement command line commands.

[in] first Need for correct readline function type.
[in] second Need for correct readline function type.
Need for correct readline function type.

Definition at line 183 of file PCMApplication.cpp.

Referenced by initialize().

void ParCompMark::Application::createLowLevelScript ( const std::string &  clusterDescription  )  [protected, virtual]

Create low-level script from dynamic script and cluster description.

[in] clusterDescription Squirrel cluster description.

Definition at line 1291 of file PCMApplication.cpp.

References ParCompMark::Pointer< T, Lock >::getLocked(), ParCompMark::Exception::getType(), ParCompMark::Pointer< T, Lock >::lock(), mDynamicScript, mDynamicScriptCompiled, mDynamicScriptSqVM, mLowLevelScript, ParCompMark::Exception::SCRIPT_ERROR, and ParCompMark::Pointer< T, Lock >::unlock().

Referenced by _compileDynamic().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void ParCompMark::Application::createVirtualMachines (  )  [virtual]

void ParCompMark::Application::doPostCommand (  )  [protected, virtual]

Executes current post command task.

Definition at line 1216 of file PCMApplication.cpp.

References _compileDynamic(), _loadDynamic(), _loadScenario(), _quit(), _start(), _stop(), COMPILE, COMPILE_START, LOADDYNAMIC, LOADSCENARIO, mPostCommand, NOTHING, QUIT, START, STOP, and STOP_QUIT.

Referenced by commanderOperation(), noUserInterface(), processSquirrelCommandList(), and textUserInterface().

Here is the call graph for this function:

bool ParCompMark::Application::executeUserCommand ( const std::string &  command  )  [protected, virtual]

Executes a single line user command.

User command can be a Squirrel code fragment or an abrevation.

[in] command User command.
Return true on error.

Definition at line 1154 of file PCMApplication.cpp.

References ParCompMark::Pointer< T, Lock >::getLocked(), ParCompMark::SqVM::getScriptOutput(), ParCompMark::Exception::getType(), ParCompMark::Pointer< T, Lock >::lock(), mUserInterfaceSqVM, ParCompMark::SqVM::NOMAINMETHOD, ParCompMark::Exception::SCRIPT_ERROR, ParCompMark::SqVM::setScriptOutput(), ParCompMark::SqVM::STD, and ParCompMark::Pointer< T, Lock >::unlock().

Referenced by noUserInterface(), processSquirrelCommandList(), and textUserInterface().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void ParCompMark::Application::finalizeCommander (  )  [virtual]

Addintional finalization code for commander mode.

This method is executed at the beginning of the common finalize() method.

Definition at line 635 of file PCMApplication.cpp.

References ParCompMark::Singleton< T >::destroyInstance(), and mServer.

Referenced by finalize().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void ParCompMark::Application::finalizeSoldier (  )  [virtual]

Addintional finalization code for soldier mode.

This method is executed at the beginning of the common finalize() method.

Definition at line 643 of file PCMApplication.cpp.

References ParCompMark::Host::closeXDisplays(), ParCompMark::Singleton< T >::destroyInstance(), ParCompMark::Host::getInstance(), and mClient.

Referenced by finalize().

Here is the call graph for this function:

NetClient * ParCompMark::Application::getClient (  )  const [inline]

Getter of mClient.

Returns value of mClient.

The value of mClient

Definition at line 1451 of file PCMApplication.h.

const std::string & ParCompMark::Application::getClusterDescription (  )  [inline, static]

Getter of mClusterDescription.

Returns value of mClusterDescription.

The value of mClusterDescription

Definition at line 1486 of file PCMApplication.h.

OutputNode::Pointer & ParCompMark::Application::getCollectClusterDescription (  )  [inline]

Getter of mCollectClusterDescription.

Returns value of mCollectClusterDescription.

The value of mCollectClusterDescription

Definition at line 1388 of file PCMApplication.h.

const bool & ParCompMark::Application::getCommanderMode (  )  [inline, static]

Getter of mCommanderMode.

Returns value of mCommanderMode.

The value of mCommanderMode

Definition at line 1465 of file PCMApplication.h.

bool & ParCompMark::Application::getCompRun (  )  [inline]

Getter of mCompRun.

Returns value of mCompRun.

The value of mCompRun

Definition at line 1542 of file PCMApplication.h.

Referenced by squirrelGlue().

ConfigOptions::Pointer & ParCompMark::Application::getConfigOptions (  )  [inline]

Getter of mConfigOptions.

Returns value of mConfigOptions.

The value of mConfigOptions

Definition at line 1395 of file PCMApplication.h.

Referenced by setDynamicScriptFile(), setLowLevelScriptFile(), and setScenarioScriptFile().

OutputNode::Pointer & ParCompMark::Application::getCurrentExecutionOutputDocument (  )  [inline]

Getter of mCurrentExecutionOutputDocument.

Returns value of mCurrentExecutionOutputDocument.

The value of mCurrentExecutionOutputDocument

Definition at line 1374 of file PCMApplication.h.

const std::string & ParCompMark::Application::getDynamicScript (  )  const [inline]

Getter of mDynamicScript.

Returns value of mDynamicScript.

The value of mDynamicScript

Definition at line 1409 of file PCMApplication.h.

bool & ParCompMark::Application::getDynamicScriptCompiled (  )  [inline]

Getter of mDynamicScriptCompiled.

Returns value of mDynamicScriptCompiled.

The value of mDynamicScriptCompiled

Definition at line 1430 of file PCMApplication.h.

Referenced by squirrelGlue().

char * ParCompMark::Application::getDynamicScriptForSquirrel (  )  [virtual]

Return the dynamic script as a string.

Dynamic script.

Definition at line 923 of file PCMApplication.cpp.

References mDynamicScript.

Referenced by squirrelGlue().

char * ParCompMark::Application::getDynamicScriptParametersForSquirrel (  )  [virtual]

Return the list of dynamic script parameters as a Squirrel string array.

Dynamic parameter list.

Definition at line 938 of file PCMApplication.cpp.

References mDynamicScriptParameters.

Referenced by squirrelGlue().

std::string ParCompMark::Application::getEnvironmentVariable ( const std::string &  name  )  [static]

Get environment variable.

[in] name Name of the variable.
Value of the specified variable.

Definition at line 389 of file PCMApplication.cpp.

References Assert.

Referenced by ParCompMark::FileSystemManager::_findHomeDirectory(), ParCompMark::FileSystemManager::initialize(), and initialize().

u32 & ParCompMark::Application::getExecutionIndex (  )  [inline]

Getter of mExecutionIndex.

Returns value of mExecutionIndex.

The value of mExecutionIndex

Definition at line 1381 of file PCMApplication.h.

int & ParCompMark::Application::getExpectedHostCount (  )  [inline, static]

Getter of mExpectedHostCount.

Returns value of mExpectedHostCount.

The value of mExpectedHostCount

Definition at line 1528 of file PCMApplication.h.

Referenced by squirrelGlue().

const bool & ParCompMark::Application::getGUIMode (  )  [inline, static]

Getter of mGUIMode.

Returns value of mGUIMode.

The value of mGUIMode

Definition at line 1472 of file PCMApplication.h.

HostInfo * ParCompMark::Application::getHostInfo (  )  const [inline]

Getter of mHostInfo.

Returns value of mHostInfo.

The value of mHostInfo

Definition at line 1332 of file PCMApplication.h.

char * ParCompMark::Application::getHostListForSquirrel (  )  [virtual]

Return the list of hosts in cluster as a Squirrel string array.

Host list.

Definition at line 897 of file PCMApplication.cpp.

References ParCompMark::Singleton< T >::getInstance().

Referenced by squirrelGlue().

Here is the call graph for this function:

const bool & ParCompMark::Application::getInitialized (  )  const [inline]

Getter of mInitialized.

Returns value of mInitialized.

The value of mInitialized

Definition at line 1339 of file PCMApplication.h.

const std::string & ParCompMark::Application::getInput (  )  [inline, static]

Getter of mInput.

Returns value of mInput.

The value of mInput

Definition at line 1514 of file PCMApplication.h.

const bool & ParCompMark::Application::getInteractiveParameters (  )  [inline, static]

Getter of mInteractiveParameters.

Returns value of mInteractiveParameters.

The value of mInteractiveParameters

Definition at line 1500 of file PCMApplication.h.

const std::string & ParCompMark::Application::getLibrarySearchPath (  )  [inline, static]

Getter of mLibrarySearchPath.

Returns value of mLibrarySearchPath.

The value of mLibrarySearchPath

Definition at line 1318 of file PCMApplication.h.

const bool & ParCompMark::Application::getLowLevelMode (  )  [inline, static]

Getter of mLowLevelMode.

Returns value of mLowLevelMode.

The value of mLowLevelMode

Definition at line 1493 of file PCMApplication.h.

const std::string & ParCompMark::Application::getLowLevelScript (  )  const [inline]

Getter of mLowLevelScript.

Returns value of mLowLevelScript.

The value of mLowLevelScript

Definition at line 1402 of file PCMApplication.h.

char * ParCompMark::Application::getLowLevelScriptForSquirrel (  )  [virtual]

Return the low-level script as a string.

Low-level script.

Definition at line 915 of file PCMApplication.cpp.

References mLowLevelScript.

Referenced by squirrelGlue().

const bool & ParCompMark::Application::getManualClusterDescription (  )  [inline, static]

Getter of mManualClusterDescription.

Returns value of mManualClusterDescription.

The value of mManualClusterDescription

Definition at line 1479 of file PCMApplication.h.

const std::string & ParCompMark::Application::getOutput (  )  [inline, static]

Getter of mOutput.

Returns value of mOutput.

The value of mOutput

Definition at line 1521 of file PCMApplication.h.

OutputNode::Pointer & ParCompMark::Application::getOutputDocument (  )  [inline]

Getter of mOutputDocument.

Returns value of mOutputDocument.

The value of mOutputDocument

Definition at line 1367 of file PCMApplication.h.

const bool & ParCompMark::Application::getOutputIsDone (  )  const [inline]

Getter of mOutputIsDone.

Returns value of mOutputIsDone.

The value of mOutputIsDone

Definition at line 1360 of file PCMApplication.h.

const std::string & ParCompMark::Application::getParameters (  )  [inline, static]

Getter of mParameters.

Returns value of mParameters.

The value of mParameters

Definition at line 1507 of file PCMApplication.h.

const Application::PostCommand & ParCompMark::Application::getPostCommand (  )  const [inline]

Getter of mPostCommand.

Returns value of mPostCommand.

The value of mPostCommand

Definition at line 1346 of file PCMApplication.h.

char * ParCompMark::Application::getProgramInfo (  )  [virtual]

Return one line program info as a string.

Program info.

Definition at line 954 of file PCMApplication.cpp.


Referenced by showHelp(), and squirrelGlue().

const bool & ParCompMark::Application::getQuiting (  )  const [inline]

Getter of mQuiting.

Returns value of mQuiting.

The value of mQuiting

Definition at line 1353 of file PCMApplication.h.

const std::string & ParCompMark::Application::getScenarioScript (  )  const [inline]

Getter of mScenarioScript.

Returns value of mScenarioScript.

The value of mScenarioScript

Definition at line 1416 of file PCMApplication.h.

NetServer * ParCompMark::Application::getServer (  )  const [inline]

Getter of mServer.

Returns value of mServer.

The value of mServer

Definition at line 1444 of file PCMApplication.h.

const std::list< std::string > & ParCompMark::Application::getSquirrelCommandList (  )  const [inline]

Getter of mSquirrelCommandList.

Returns value of mSquirrelCommandList.

The value of mSquirrelCommandList

Definition at line 1423 of file PCMApplication.h.

const std::string & ParCompMark::Application::getUsageString (  )  [inline, static]

Getter of mUsageString.

Returns value of mUsageString.

The value of mUsageString

Definition at line 1458 of file PCMApplication.h.

const Application::UserInterface & ParCompMark::Application::getUserInterface (  )  [inline, static]

Getter of mUserInterface.

Returns value of mUserInterface.

The value of mUserInterface

Definition at line 1535 of file PCMApplication.h.

bool ParCompMark::Application::hasEnvironmentVariable ( const std::string &  name  )  [static]

Returns true if specified environment variable exists.

[in] name Name of the variable.
Indicates that the specified environment variable exists.

Definition at line 379 of file PCMApplication.cpp.

Referenced by initialize().

bool ParCompMark::Application::hasScenarioScript (  )  [virtual]

Return true if a scenario script is loaded.

Flag indicates that the scenario script is loaded.

Definition at line 931 of file PCMApplication.cpp.

References mScenarioScript.

Referenced by squirrelGlue().

void ParCompMark::Application::initializeDynamicScriptParameters ( const bool &  reset  )  [protected, virtual]

Compile dynamic script and initialize dynamic script parameters in reset or complement mode.

[in] reset Reset dynamic script parameters.

Definition at line 1397 of file PCMApplication.cpp.

References ParCompMark::Pointer< T, Lock >::lock(), mDynamicScript, mDynamicScriptSqVM, and ParCompMark::Pointer< T, Lock >::unlock().

Referenced by _loadDynamic().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void ParCompMark::Application::interruptHandler ( int  value  )  [static]

Interrupt signal handler.

[in] value Signal parameter.

Definition at line 443 of file PCMApplication.cpp.

References _quit(), getInstance(), ParCompMark::Singleton< T >::getInstance(), and ParCompMark::Logger::NOTICE.

Referenced by setupHandlers().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void ParCompMark::Application::loadDynamicScript ( const char *  filename  )  [protected, virtual]

Load dynamic script from the specified filename.

[in] filename File containing dynamic script (in application data directory).

Definition at line 1261 of file PCMApplication.cpp.

References ParCompMark::FileSystemManager::getInstance(), LOADDYNAMIC, mDynamicScript, mDynamicScriptCompiled, mPostCommand, and ParCompMark::FileSystemManager::readDataTextFile().

Referenced by commanderOperation(), and squirrelGlue().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void ParCompMark::Application::loadLowLevelScript ( const char *  filename  )  [protected, virtual]

Load low-level script from the specified filename.

[in] filename File containing low level script (in application data directory).

Definition at line 1254 of file PCMApplication.cpp.

References ParCompMark::FileSystemManager::getInstance(), mLowLevelScript, and ParCompMark::FileSystemManager::readDataTextFile().

Referenced by commanderOperation(), and squirrelGlue().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void ParCompMark::Application::loadScenarioScript ( const char *  filename  )  [protected, virtual]

Load scenario script from the specified filename.

[in] filename File containing scenario script (in application data directory).

Definition at line 1274 of file PCMApplication.cpp.

References ParCompMark::FileSystemManager::getInstance(), LOADSCENARIO, mPostCommand, mScenarioScript, and ParCompMark::FileSystemManager::readDataTextFile().

Referenced by commanderOperation(), and squirrelGlue().

Here is the call graph for this function:

bool ParCompMark::Application::noUserInterface (  )  [protected, virtual]

Start "no" user interface.

Return true on error.

Definition at line 1117 of file PCMApplication.cpp.

References doPostCommand(), executeUserCommand(), mCompRun, mQuiting, processSquirrelCommandList(), and ParCompMark::Timer::sleep().

Referenced by startOperation().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void ParCompMark::Application::parseCommandLine ( const u32 argc,
const char **&  argv 
) [static]

Parse ANSI C command line.

[in] argc Number of command line arguments.
[in] argv Array of command line arguments.

Definition at line 193 of file PCMApplication.cpp.

Referenced by main().

void ParCompMark::Application::processScenarioScript (  )  [protected, virtual]

bool ParCompMark::Application::processSquirrelCommandList (  )  [protected, virtual]

Executes the commands in the squirrel command list.

Return true on error.

Definition at line 1197 of file PCMApplication.cpp.

References doPostCommand(), executeUserCommand(), mCompRun, mSquirrelCommandList, and ParCompMark::Timer::sleep().

Referenced by noUserInterface(), and textUserInterface().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void ParCompMark::Application::pushSquirrelCommand ( const char *  command  )  [protected, virtual]

Push a command into the Squirrel command list.

[in] command Command line to push.

Definition at line 1284 of file PCMApplication.cpp.

References mSquirrelCommandList.

Referenced by squirrelGlue().

void ParCompMark::Application::quit (  )  [virtual]

Quit from application.

Definition at line 839 of file PCMApplication.cpp.

References mPostCommand, QUIT, STOP, and STOP_QUIT.

Referenced by squirrelGlue().

void ParCompMark::Application::segfaultHandler ( int  value  )  [static]

Segmentation fault handler.

[in] value Signal parameter.

Definition at line 435 of file PCMApplication.cpp.

void ParCompMark::Application::setCluster ( const std::string &  strarg  )  [static]

Set cluster description file.

[in] strarg String argument.

Definition at line 325 of file PCMApplication.cpp.

References mClusterDescription, and mManualClusterDescription.

void ParCompMark::Application::setCommanderOn ( const std::string &  strarg  )  [static]

Set commander mode.

[in] strarg String argument (dummy).

Definition at line 283 of file PCMApplication.cpp.

References mCommanderMode.

void ParCompMark::Application::setDynamicScriptCompiled ( const bool  dynamicscriptcompiled  )  [inline]

Setter of mDynamicScriptCompiled.

Sets value of mDynamicScriptCompiled.

[in] dynamicscriptcompiled The value of mDynamicScriptCompiled

Definition at line 1437 of file PCMApplication.h.

Referenced by squirrelGlue().

void ParCompMark::Application::setDynamicScriptFile ( const std::string &  strarg  )  [static]

Set dynamic script file.

[in] strarg String argument.

Definition at line 311 of file PCMApplication.cpp.

References getConfigOptions(), and getInstance().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void ParCompMark::Application::setEnvironmentVariablesToSquirrel (  )  [protected, virtual]

void ParCompMark::Application::setExpectedHostCount ( const std::string &  hostCount  )  [static]

Set expected number of rendering hosts.

[in] hostCount String argument.

Definition at line 355 of file PCMApplication.cpp.

References mExpectedHostCount, and ParCompMark::StringConverter::toU32().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void ParCompMark::Application::setFromConfigOptions (  )  [virtual]

void ParCompMark::Application::setGUIOn ( const std::string &  strarg  )  [static]

Set GUI mode.

[in] strarg String argument (dummy).

Definition at line 290 of file PCMApplication.cpp.

References mGUIMode.

void ParCompMark::Application::setInput ( const std::string &  strarg  )  [static]

Set input file.

[in] strarg String argument.

Definition at line 341 of file PCMApplication.cpp.

References mInput.

void ParCompMark::Application::setLibrarySearchPath ( const std::string &  librarysearchpath  )  [inline, static]

Setter of mLibrarySearchPath.

Sets value of mLibrarySearchPath.

[in] librarysearchpath The value of mLibrarySearchPath

Definition at line 1325 of file PCMApplication.h.

Referenced by setFromConfigOptions().

void ParCompMark::Application::setLowLevelOn ( const std::string &  strarg  )  [static]

Set low-level scripting mode.

[in] strarg String argument (dummy).

Definition at line 297 of file PCMApplication.cpp.

References mLowLevelMode.

void ParCompMark::Application::setLowLevelScriptFile ( const std::string &  strarg  )  [static]

Set low-level script file.

[in] strarg String argument.

Definition at line 304 of file PCMApplication.cpp.

References getConfigOptions(), and getInstance().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void ParCompMark::Application::setOutput ( const std::string &  strarg  )  [static]

Set output file.

[in] strarg String argument.

Definition at line 348 of file PCMApplication.cpp.

References mOutput.

void ParCompMark::Application::setParameters ( const std::string &  strarg  )  [static]

Set parameters description file.

[in] strarg String argument.

Definition at line 333 of file PCMApplication.cpp.

References mInteractiveParameters, and mParameters.

void ParCompMark::Application::setScenarioScriptFile ( const std::string &  strarg  )  [static]

Set scenario script file.

[in] strarg String argument.

Definition at line 318 of file PCMApplication.cpp.

References getConfigOptions(), and getInstance().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void ParCompMark::Application::setupHandlers (  )  const [virtual]

Setup special event handlers.

Definition at line 471 of file PCMApplication.cpp.

References interruptHandler(), terminateHandler(), and unexpectedHandler().

Referenced by initialize().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void ParCompMark::Application::setUserInterface ( const std::string &  strUI  )  [static]

Set user the type of interface.

[in] strUI String argument.

Definition at line 365 of file PCMApplication.cpp.

References CONSOLE, Except, mUserInterface, and NONE.

void ParCompMark::Application::showHelp ( const std::string &  strarg  )  [static]

Write help to std out.

[in] strarg String argument (dummy).

Definition at line 248 of file PCMApplication.cpp.

References _quit(), getInstance(), getProgramInfo(), mCommandLineOptionCount, mUsageString, and PACKAGE_BUGREPORT.

Here is the call graph for this function:

void ParCompMark::Application::showVersion ( const std::string &  strarg  )  [static]

Write version to std out.

[in] strarg String argument (dummy).

Definition at line 273 of file PCMApplication.cpp.

References _quit(), getInstance(), and PACKAGE_VERSION.

Here is the call graph for this function:

bool ParCompMark::Application::soldierOperation (  )  [protected, virtual]

static void ParCompMark::Application::squirrelGlue (  )  [inline, static]

Static glue code method for Squirrel-C++ binding.

This method should be call from each Squirrel virtual machines to generate the proper Squirrel glue code. To content of this method is fully autogenerated in the header implementation file, you should not modify it.

Definition at line 111 of file PCMApplication.h.

References autoDetection(), cleanup(), compileDynamic(), getCompRun(), getDynamicScriptCompiled(), getDynamicScriptForSquirrel(), getDynamicScriptParametersForSquirrel(), getExpectedHostCount(), getHostListForSquirrel(), getInstance(), getLowLevelScriptForSquirrel(), getProgramInfo(), hasScenarioScript(), loadDynamicScript(), loadLowLevelScript(), loadScenarioScript(), pushSquirrelCommand(), quit(), setDynamicScriptCompiled(), start(), and stop().

Referenced by ParCompMark::squirrelClassBindings().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void ParCompMark::Application::start (  )  [virtual]

Start compositing.

Definition at line 853 of file PCMApplication.cpp.

References COMPILE, COMPILE_START, mPostCommand, and START.

Referenced by squirrelGlue().

bool ParCompMark::Application::startOperation (  )  [virtual]

The application starts its operation.

The operation depends on the commander mode flag.

Return true on error.

Definition at line 733 of file PCMApplication.cpp.

References commanderOperation(), CONSOLE, ParCompMark::Singleton< T >::getInstance(), ParCompMark::Thread::joinThread(), mClient, mCommanderMode, mUserInterface, ParCompMark::Logger::NOTICE, noUserInterface(), soldierOperation(), textUserInterface(), and waitForOutput().

Referenced by main().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void ParCompMark::Application::stop (  )  [virtual]

Stop compositing.

Definition at line 860 of file PCMApplication.cpp.

References mPostCommand, QUIT, STOP, and STOP_QUIT.

Referenced by squirrelGlue().

void ParCompMark::Application::terminateHandler (  )  [static]

void ParCompMark::Application::terminateHandlerNOP (  )  [static]

No operation termination handler.

The terminateHandler() method sets this method as Abnormal termination handler during its run.

Definition at line 421 of file PCMApplication.cpp.

Referenced by terminateHandler().

bool ParCompMark::Application::textUserInterface (  )  [protected, virtual]

Start textual user interface.

Return true on error.

Definition at line 1076 of file PCMApplication.cpp.

References doPostCommand(), executeUserCommand(), HAVE_READLINE_HISTORY_H, HAVE_READLINE_READLINE_H, mQuiting, and processSquirrelCommandList().

Referenced by startOperation().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void ParCompMark::Application::unexpectedHandler (  )  [static]

Unexpected exception handler.

Definition at line 428 of file PCMApplication.cpp.

References terminateHandler().

Referenced by setupHandlers().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void ParCompMark::Application::waitForOutput (  )  [virtual]

Wait until the output is fully written.

Definition at line 828 of file PCMApplication.cpp.

References mOutputIsDone, ParCompMark::Timer::sleep(), and ParCompMark::Thread::yield().

Referenced by startOperation().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void ParCompMark::Application::writeOutput (  )  [virtual]

Member Data Documentation

const std::string ParCompMark::Application::ABBREVIATIONSNUT = "scripts/framework/abbreviations.nut" [static]

User command abbreviations resolver Squirrel script file (relative to the data directory).

This is own attribute of this class.

Definition at line 280 of file PCMApplication.h.

Referenced by createVirtualMachines().

const std::string ParCompMark::Application::COMMANDDIRECTORY = "scripts/commands/" [static]

Directory that contatins user commands in separated nut files (relative to the data directory).

This is own attribute of this class.

Definition at line 301 of file PCMApplication.h.

Referenced by createVirtualMachines().

const std::string ParCompMark::Application::DYNAMICINITNUT = "scripts/framework/dynamic-init.nut" [static]

Dynamic script initialization Squirrel script file (relative to the data directory).

This is own attribute of this class.

Definition at line 287 of file PCMApplication.h.

Referenced by createVirtualMachines().

const std::string ParCompMark::Application::HELPNUT = "scripts/commands/help.nut" [static]

Path of help.nut file in user commands directory (relative to the data directory).

This is own attribute of this class.

Definition at line 308 of file PCMApplication.h.

Referenced by createVirtualMachines().

Client network.

This is own attribute of this class.

Definition at line 565 of file PCMApplication.h.

Referenced by Application(), finalizeSoldier(), soldierOperation(), and startOperation().

std::string ParCompMark::Application::mClusterDescription [static, protected]

Cluster description file name.

This is own attribute of this class.

Definition at line 384 of file PCMApplication.h.

Referenced by setCluster().

Root of the output document.

This is own attribute of this class.

Definition at line 507 of file PCMApplication.h.

Referenced by _start(), initialize(), and writeOutput().

bool ParCompMark::Application::mCommanderMode = false [static, protected]

Indicates commander mode (default false).

This is own attribute of this class.

Definition at line 363 of file PCMApplication.h.

Referenced by commanderOperation(), finalize(), setCommanderOn(), and startOperation().

Number of command line options.

This is own attribute of this class.

Definition at line 331 of file PCMApplication.h.

Referenced by showHelp().

Initial value:

        {'h', "help", " ........... : show help", false, Application::showHelp}
        {'v', "version", " ........ : show version", false, Application::showVersion}
        {'c', "commander", " ...... : enable commander mode", false, Application::setCommanderOn}
        {'l', "low-level", " ...... : set low-level script file", true, Application::setLowLevelScriptFile}
        {'d', "dynamic", " ........ : set cluster dynamic script file", true, Application::setDynamicScriptFile}
        {'s', "scenario", " ....... : set scenario script file", true, Application::setScenarioScriptFile}
        {'i', "input", " .......... : set intput script file", true, Application::setInput}
        {'o', "output", " ......... : set output filename", true, Application::setOutput}
        {'H', "hostcount", " ...... : set expected number of rendering hosts", true, Application::setExpectedHostCount}
        {'u', "ui", " ............. : set user interface (none|console)", true, Application::setUserInterface}
Command line options for ParCompMark.

This is own attribute of this class.

Definition at line 324 of file PCMApplication.h.

Output file name.

This is own attribute of this class.

Definition at line 572 of file PCMApplication.h.

Referenced by _pseudoStop(), _quit(), _start(), _stop(), Application(), autoDetection(), noUserInterface(), and processSquirrelCommandList().

Program configuration options.

This is own attribute of this class.

Definition at line 514 of file PCMApplication.h.

Referenced by commanderOperation(), finalize(), initialize(), and setFromConfigOptions().

The output document has separate 'execution' children for each benchmark execution.

This pointer addresses the actual execution.

This is own attribute of this class.

Definition at line 493 of file PCMApplication.h.

Referenced by _start(), cleanup(), and initialize().

Squirrel cluster dynamic script.

This is own attribute of this class.

Definition at line 528 of file PCMApplication.h.

Referenced by _compileDynamic(), createLowLevelScript(), getDynamicScriptForSquirrel(), initializeDynamicScriptParameters(), loadDynamicScript(), retrieveDynamicScriptParameters(), and setEnvironmentVariablesToSquirrel().

Indicates that the dynamic script is compiled.

This is own attribute of this class.

Definition at line 551 of file PCMApplication.h.

Referenced by autoDetection(), createLowLevelScript(), loadDynamicScript(), and processScenarioScript().

List of dynamic script parameters.

This is own attribute of this class.

Definition at line 593 of file PCMApplication.h.

Referenced by getDynamicScriptParametersForSquirrel(), and retrieveDynamicScriptParameters().

Squirrel virtual machine for dynamic script execution.

This is own attribute of this class.

Definition at line 579 of file PCMApplication.h.

Referenced by _start(), createLowLevelScript(), createVirtualMachines(), finalize(), initializeDynamicScriptParameters(), processScenarioScript(), retrieveDynamicScriptParameters(), and setEnvironmentVariablesToSquirrel().

Index of the actual execution.

This is own attribute of this class.

Definition at line 500 of file PCMApplication.h.

Referenced by _start(), and initialize().

int ParCompMark::Application::mExpectedHostCount = 0 [static, protected]

Expected number of rendering hosts.

This is own attribute of this class.

Definition at line 426 of file PCMApplication.h.

Referenced by setExpectedHostCount().

bool ParCompMark::Application::mGUIMode = false [static, protected]

Indicates GUI mode (default false).

This is own attribute of this class.

Definition at line 370 of file PCMApplication.h.

Referenced by setGUIOn().

Information about the host.

Soldire opertaion fills it.

This is own attribute of this class.

Definition at line 451 of file PCMApplication.h.

Referenced by soldierOperation().

The application is initialized.

This is own attribute of this class.

Definition at line 458 of file PCMApplication.h.

Referenced by Application(), finalize(), initialize(), and ~Application().

std::string ParCompMark::Application::mInput = "-" [static, protected]

Input script file name.

This is own attribute of this class.

Definition at line 412 of file PCMApplication.h.

Referenced by setInput().

bool ParCompMark::Application::mInteractiveParameters = true [static, protected]

Indicates interactive parameter settings (default true).

This is own attribute of this class.

Definition at line 398 of file PCMApplication.h.

Referenced by setParameters().

std::string ParCompMark::Application::mLibrarySearchPath = "/usr/lib" [static, protected]

PC dynamic library search path (default /usr/lib).

This is own attribute of this class.

Definition at line 356 of file PCMApplication.h.

Referenced by initialize().

bool ParCompMark::Application::mLowLevelMode = false [static, protected]

Indicates low-level scripting mode (default false).

This is own attribute of this class.

Definition at line 391 of file PCMApplication.h.

Referenced by setLowLevelOn().

Squirrel low-level script.

This is own attribute of this class.

Definition at line 521 of file PCMApplication.h.

Referenced by _start(), createLowLevelScript(), getLowLevelScriptForSquirrel(), and loadLowLevelScript().

bool ParCompMark::Application::mManualClusterDescription = false [static, protected]

Indicates manual cluster description (default false).

This is own attribute of this class.

Definition at line 377 of file PCMApplication.h.

Referenced by setCluster().

std::string ParCompMark::Application::mOutput = "-" [static, protected]

Output file name.

This is own attribute of this class.

Definition at line 419 of file PCMApplication.h.

Referenced by setOutput(), and writeOutput().

Root of the output document.

This is own attribute of this class.

Definition at line 486 of file PCMApplication.h.

Referenced by _start(), cleanup(), finalize(), initialize(), and writeOutput().

Flag indicating that the output document has been written now and it is safe to quit.

This is own attribute of this class.

Definition at line 479 of file PCMApplication.h.

Referenced by _start(), Application(), waitForOutput(), and writeOutput().

std::string ParCompMark::Application::mParameters [static, protected]

Parameters description file name.

This is own attribute of this class.

Definition at line 405 of file PCMApplication.h.

Referenced by setParameters().

Current post command task.

This is own attribute of this class.

Definition at line 465 of file PCMApplication.h.

Referenced by Application(), compileDynamic(), doPostCommand(), loadDynamicScript(), loadScenarioScript(), quit(), start(), and stop().

Flag indicating that the application is quitting now (to avoid multiple quit requests in quit() method).

This is own attribute of this class.

Definition at line 472 of file PCMApplication.h.

Referenced by _quit(), Application(), noUserInterface(), and textUserInterface().

Squirrel scenario script.

This is own attribute of this class.

Definition at line 535 of file PCMApplication.h.

Referenced by hasScenarioScript(), loadScenarioScript(), and processScenarioScript().

Server network.

This is own attribute of this class.

Definition at line 558 of file PCMApplication.h.

Referenced by _pseudoStop(), _quit(), _start(), _stop(), Application(), autoDetection(), calculateMessageSendTime(), commanderOperation(), and finalizeCommander().

std::list< std::string > ParCompMark::Application::mSquirrelCommandList [protected]

List of Squirrel commands to execute.

If this list is not empty, the user interface take and executes these commands instead of putting command prompt. Moreover, you can put commands to this list from Squirrel scripts, too. This is useful for example scenario scripts.

This is own attribute of this class.

Definition at line 544 of file PCMApplication.h.

Referenced by processSquirrelCommandList(), and pushSquirrelCommand().

const std::string ParCompMark::Application::mUsageString = "ParCompMark [ options ]" [static, protected]

Application usage string.

This is own attribute of this class.

Definition at line 338 of file PCMApplication.h.

Referenced by showHelp().

Type of user interface.

This is own attribute of this class.

Definition at line 433 of file PCMApplication.h.

Referenced by setUserInterface(), and startOperation().

Squirrel virtual machine to handle user interaction.

This is own attribute of this class.

Definition at line 586 of file PCMApplication.h.

Referenced by commanderOperation(), createVirtualMachines(), executeUserCommand(), and finalize().

const std::string ParCompMark::Application::PARCOMPMARKNUT = "scripts/framework/parcompmark.nut" [static]

ParCompMark API Squirrel script file (relative to the data directory).

This is own attribute of this class.

Definition at line 266 of file PCMApplication.h.

Referenced by createVirtualMachines(), ParCompMark::Host::initialize(), and ParCompMark::Process::threadInitialize().

const std::string ParCompMark::Application::PCAPINUT = "scripts/framework/pcapi.nut" [static]

PC API Squirrel script file (relative to the data directory).

This is own attribute of this class.

Definition at line 259 of file PCMApplication.h.

Referenced by createVirtualMachines(), ParCompMark::Host::initialize(), and ParCompMark::Process::threadInitialize().

const std::string ParCompMark::Application::PCIMPLEMENTATIONS [static]

Initial value:

        "", ""
List of supported PC implementation libraries.

This is own attribute of this class.

Definition at line 315 of file PCMApplication.h.

Referenced by initialize().

const std::string ParCompMark::Application::UIINITNUT = "scripts/framework/ui-init.nut" [static]

User interface initialization Squirrel script file (relative to the data directory).

This is own attribute of this class.

Definition at line 294 of file PCMApplication.h.

Referenced by commanderOperation().

const std::string ParCompMark::Application::UTILSNUT = "scripts/framework/utils.nut" [static]

Common utilities Squirrel script file (relative to the data directory).

This is own attribute of this class.

Definition at line 273 of file PCMApplication.h.

Referenced by createVirtualMachines(), ParCompMark::Host::initialize(), and ParCompMark::Process::threadInitialize().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: