Screenshots of ParCompMark

Scalability test running on an HP-SVA cluster
(2006-12-12, version 0.4)
ParCompMark 0.4 has example scenario scripts for testing scalability of data, frame rate, compositing times, overhead, and network traffic.

Translucent volume rendering running on an HP-SVA cluster
(2006-09-25, version 0.3)
Original translucent volume rendering application descibed by J Kniss, S Premoze, C Hansen, D Ebert in 'Interactive translucent volume rendering and procedural modeling', 2002. Win32 code by Dr. Csebfalvi Balazs, 32bit Linux adaptation Foris Tibor, 64bit Linux implementation on HP-SVA by Domonkos Balazs

Running on an HP-SVA cluster (in remote graphics)
(2006-09-20, version 0.3)

Real time raytracer as ParCompMark plugin
(2006-08-25, version 0.2)
The left window contains the output of the renderer plugin, and the output of the composition is shown in the right window.

Gathering information
(2006-08-03, version 0.2)

Basic rendering and compositing
(2006-07-28, version 0.1)