e-DIPLOMA Hackathons

HunJam Education Forum
Dátum: 2023-11-09, 14:00-18:00
Helyszín: METU Metropolitan University Budapest
Ezen az eseményen a HunJam meghívott résztvevői beszámolnak a munkájukról, és nyílt fórumbeszélgetés keretében vitatjuk meg az oktatásban történő alkalmazás lehetőségeit és korlátatait. 
At this event, invited HunJam participants describe their work, and possibilities and hurdles of educational application are discussed in an open forum. 
HunJam Review MeetUp
Dátum: 2023-11-08, 18:00
Helyszín: InGame Gamer Bar, Klauzál utca 26-28, Erzsébetváros, Hungary
Ez alkalommal Magyarország legnagyobb offline játékfejlesztői versenye és annak díjazottjai kerülnek bemutatásra. A HunJam második alkalommal került megrendezésre, idén 100-nál is több érdeklődővel. A több, mint 20 készülő projektből novemberben a zsűri és a közönség kedvencei kerülnek bemutatásra.
Az esemény kivételesen angol nyelvű lesz.
This time we present you Hungary's biggest offline game dev competition and the winners of it. This is the 2nd time HunJam is organized, now with more than 100 attendees. More than 20 projects are in the making and in November, you can check out the best ones - according to the jury and the audience.

This 48-hour challenge awaits both game development professionals and aspiring game designers, artists, and coders. Organized in cooperation with the Games Hungary professional association, the Central European University providing the venue, and the Budapest University of Technology, a partner in the e-DIPLOMA EU Horizon project, this game development Hackathon offers you an opportunity to explore new ideas in an intense co-creation environment, coordinated by mentors from industry and academia. Taking on modifiers, you may let yourself be inspired by the possibilities brought by recent advances in technology, and challenges posed in serious gaming and educational contexts.
Venue: Central European University (CEU) Budapest, Nádor utca 15.
Start: 2023-10-27
End: 2032-10-29
Registration: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/hunjam-2023-tickets-722697988137 
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61550812517788
e-DIPLOMA Game Concept Workshop
We organize az open Hackathon session, with BME and METU students invited, but everyone is welcome. We expect 50 participants. We plan to organize mixed teams of 5-6 people, including developers, artists, designers, students, and educators. The name of the event is Game Concept Workshop, and its essence is the detailed creation, presentation, discussion of a game concept following guiding questions. There will also be coffee, soft drinks, and sandwiches during the break. The event is part of the e-DIPLOMA EU project, we hope that we can come up with interesting insights in relation to e-learning, social phenomena and/or new technologies.
Venue: BME Bulding I. Rooms IL407, IL408, IB145
Date: 2023-09-28
Time: 14:00-17:00