Current research and development projects:
- Tera-tomo: Tomography reconstruction for PET on the GPU (Mediso, Medical Imaging Systems)
- GPGPU applications for CUDA (nVidia Academic Program)
- Digital Shape Reconstruction Based on Measured Data (Geomagic)
- Physical Simulation and Inverse Problems on GPU (OTKA K–104476)
- Zebra Danio toxiticy test evaluation with image processing
- 3D reconstruction on mobile devices
- Real-time depth image processing on GPUs (Zinemath)
- 3D machine vision in search engines (Clawar)
Previous projects:
- Non-photorealistic rendering for Motion Picture (Lichthof Productions)
- Virtual worlds based on analogies (TÁMOP)
- Simulation-rendering of virtual worlds (OKTA K-719922)
- Medical Visualization (TÁMOP)
- Scalable visualization techniques (Hewlett-Packard High Performance Computing Division)
- GameTools FP6 (IST-2-004363): Tools for realistic gaming environments
- OKTA T042735: Real-time Global Illumination in Games
- Real-time Global Illumination (Intel Research)
- ITKA 00159/2002: Virtual colonoscopy system development (SOTE, Radiológiai Klinika)
- OPV5: Object Oriented Process Visualization Development System (MÁV)
- OKTA T029135: High-speed Global Illumination Rendering Algorithms
- IKTA-KÉPI: Photorealistic Image Synthesis for CAD (Graphisoft)