GPUGI: Global Illumination Effects on the GPU

László Szirmay-Kalos, László Szécsi, Mateu Sbert
Department of Control Engineering and Information Technology, Technical University of Budapest,
Budapest, Magyar Tudósok krt. 2, HUNGARY


In this tutorial we explain how global illumination rendering methods can be implemented on Shader Model 3.0 GPUs. These algorithms do not follow the conventional local illumination model of DirectX/OpenGL pipelines, but require global geometric or illumination information when shading a point. In addition to the theory and state of the art of these approaches, we go into the details of a few algorithms, including mirror reflections, reflactions, caustics, diffuse/glossy indirect illumination, precomputation aided global illumination for surface and volumetric models, obscurances and tone mapping, also giving their GPU implementation in HLSL or Cg language.


Global illumination, GPU programming, HLSL, Radiosity, Soft shadow algorithms, Environment mapping, Diffuse/Glossy indirect illumination, Mirror
Reflection/Refraction, Caustics generation, Monte-carlo methods, Pre-computation aided global illumination, PRT, Ambient Occlusion, Obscurances, Participating Media, Multiple scattering.