Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) Distributed Fluid Simulator

for Hewlett-Packard Scalabe Visualization Array

(February, 2008)

This is a particle-based distributed fluid simulator application designed for Hewlett-Packard Scalabe Visualization Array. This application uses volume domain distribution among the nodes.

> video1 | video2



Simulating natural phenomena like smoke, sand or fluid by physics-based algorithms is a rapidly developing area of visualization. Animating fluid is time-consuming and interactive visualization on a single workstation is limited to a less detailed quality. Our goal is to develop an interactive GPU-accelerated particle-based fluid simulation system which runs parallel on Hewlett-Packard Scalable Visualization Array. The particle-based approach reduces the complexity of the simulation because mass conservation equations can be disregarded.

For faster single node simulation the traditional SPH implementations should be redesigned for efficient use of today’s graphics processor architectures. Interactive visualization of accurate simulation needs a huge number of fluid particles. This complexity is handled using highly parallelized methods.


File Description
sphfluid-sva-0.1.pdf Manual of the sph fluid simulator


File Description
parallel-SPH-0.1.tar.gz Source code of the sph fluid simulator (with in-built MinGLE)
File Description
parallel-SPH-0.1-1.x86_64.rpm Compiled version of the sph fluid simulator for AMD64 HP-XC
Cg-1.5.x86_64.rpmNVIDIA Cg library (RPM package for AMD64 HP-XC)
glew-1.3.4-1.x86_64.rpmOpenGL Extension Wrangler (RPM package for AMD64 HP-XC)
glew-devel-1.3.4-1.x86_64.rpmOpenGL Extension Wrangler headers (RPM package for AMD64 HP-XC)
devil-1.6.7-1.x86_64.rpmDevelopers' Image Library (RPM package for AMD64 HP-XC)
devil-devel-1.6.7-1.x86_64.rpmDevIL header (RPM package for AMD64 HP-XC)

