Ambient occlusion and Image-Based Lighting in Volume Visualization

for Hewlett-Packard Scalabe Visualization Array

(October, 2008)

This is a volume visualization application with advanced ambient occlusion and image based lighting designed for Hewlett-Packard Scalabe Visualization Array.
> video

Ambient Occlusion


This document gives an overview of the extensions designed for the parallel isosurface ray-casting application called RTPara. The application allows the visualization of volume datasets in a distributed environment by rendering isosurfaces using screen space or object space decomposition approaches at interactive frame rates. Rendering parameters like the viewing direction, isosurface threshold, etc. can be interactively modified, the program provides an immediate visual feedback. In the available documentation the implemented isosurface ray-casting algorithm was presented in detail including the parallelization approaches (screen space and object space), the ParaComp Library bindings, the installation and usage manual, and also the relevant implementation aspects were covered.

The original application supports basic ray-casting rendering with Phong-Blinn and Lambert BRDF models. This extension adds new features to the software's rendering capabilities. A fake global illumination method called ambient occlusion has been integrated with a cube map based image based lighting technique.


File Description
rtpara-occlusion-0.1.pdf Manual of the renderer



File Description
rtpara-occ-0.1-1.x86_64.rpm Compiled version of the ambient occlusion renderer for AMD64 HP-XC
rtpara-occ-0.1-1.src.rpm Source version of the ambient occlusion renderer for AMD64 HP-XC
Cg-1.5.x86_64.rpm NVIDIA Cg library (RPM package for AMD64 HP-XC)
glew-1.3.4-1.x86_64.rpm OpenGL Extension Wrangler (RPM package for AMD64 HP-XC)
glew-devel-1.3.4-1.x86_64.rpm OpenGL Extension Wrangler headers (RPM package for AMD64 HP-XC)

